Her kommer tips:
Hei challengere!
For de som godt kan tenke seg og kjøre et løp i Europa som
ikke koste "skjorta" kan undertegnede så absolutt anbefale dette
løpet. Det går dagene 19 - 22. mars 2015.
Starten er i Maastricht, Holland 19. mars og mål i Trier,
Tyskland på lørdag 21. mars.
Under løpet vil vi overnatte på 4 stjernes hotell og lunch
blir inntatt på dertil gode spisesteder.
Alt dette sammen med øvrige materialer inngår i startkont.
på EUR 1.250,00
På følgende link finner du alle opplysninger samt
elektronisk påmelding.
For å kunne nyte godt av den spesielle
Vi som har vært nedover før har reist fra Oslo til Kiel
senest mandag 16. mars med retur mandag 23. mars fra Kiel med ankomst Oslo 24.
mars kl. 10.00
Mvh Fredrik Huseby mobil 91346413
Super offer
for oll hlstoric rolly sporl friends from Scondinovio ond UK.
The I lth Coppo d'Europo tokes ploce from l9th to 22nd of Morch 2015.
This historic regulority rolly is more thon 1500km long with vorious types of competiiion
like mop reoding systems, possoge controls, lime controls, regulorities ond tests, ond
it will bring through 5 different counkies {the Netherlonds, Belgium, Luxemburg,
Germony ond Fronce).
Due to o speciol sponsor we con offer oll Scondinovion ond UK crews q very speciol
role of 1250.- Euro; this is on offer which you will not find onywhere else! This speciol
offer includes oll documents, rood books, rolly plotes, 3 nights in four stor hoiels
including breokfost, lunches ond dinners with (olcohol free) drinla, etc.
We will be honoured to welcome mony teoms from Scondinovio ond UK so pleose
inform your friends obout this rore offer. We sre sure to serye o very interesting ond
competitive event in which the officiol longuoge is English!
For further informotion pleose hove o look of our internet site www.coppo-europo.org
or contoct us direct personolly by emoil or telephone.
Thonk for your ottention.
Re c/ S Ynpøtv, RuÅDlf D tltm.a,,vt'w
for oll hlstoric rolly sporl friends from Scondinovio ond UK.
The I lth Coppo d'Europo tokes ploce from l9th to 22nd of Morch 2015.
This historic regulority rolly is more thon 1500km long with vorious types of competiiion
like mop reoding systems, possoge controls, lime controls, regulorities ond tests, ond
it will bring through 5 different counkies {the Netherlonds, Belgium, Luxemburg,
Germony ond Fronce).
Due to o speciol sponsor we con offer oll Scondinovion ond UK crews q very speciol
role of 1250.- Euro; this is on offer which you will not find onywhere else! This speciol
offer includes oll documents, rood books, rolly plotes, 3 nights in four stor hoiels
including breokfost, lunches ond dinners with (olcohol free) drinla, etc.
We will be honoured to welcome mony teoms from Scondinovio ond UK so pleose
inform your friends obout this rore offer. We sre sure to serye o very interesting ond
competitive event in which the officiol longuoge is English!
For further informotion pleose hove o look of our internet site www.coppo-europo.org
or contoct us direct personolly by emoil or telephone.
Thonk for your ottention.
Re c/ S Ynpøtv, RuÅDlf D tltm.a,,vt'w